Wednesday, June 8, 2011



  1. Using microbiology might find a cure for cancer
  2. Observing specimens through microscopes of any sort requires a lot of patience
  3. There are many ways to see if cancer is present in the organ
  4. I’ve learnt that there are many ways to do one thing in biology.
  5. I have learnt that it requires a lot of passion for one to pursue a specific niche in the sciences


  1. Learn how important it is to recognize a pattern when looking at samples of cells
  2. It is important to know what are you doing and the concepts behind it
  3. I can see that the route to get to a Science-related course is going to be rough.

Jia Sheng
  1. I have learn how to stain a tissue and this knowledge can be used for future experiments in the lab as it can be like a instruction manual and help me to do those experiments more easily and more efficiently.
  2. I have also gain experience from the use of the microscope which can be connected to the computer.This experience will be much useful to me as now I at least know how to operate the machine and also switching from the eyepiece and the computer to take pictures.
  3. Within the group I think that we have learn to work together but in different parts, for example one person will be doing the blog while the other do the presentation and the last person will be editing the pictures or videos.
  4. From Dr Yu's talk, I have learn more about the liver and what machines they used to cut the tissue in smaller pieces and knowing how to identify the machines.With this, I can use it to identify the machines and will be able to watch out for any dangers.
  5. Finally after this whole day of learning, I have learn that doing this kind of stuff may be tough but it needs a lot of passion and hard work to be able to accomplish it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Overview of Project

    • What is the theory/ concept behind the topic?

Our "Mission"

    • What does the group need to accomplish at the end of the workshop

Our "Mission" Part 2(i)

6.1 Histochemical Staining(Questions from Project Manual)
  • 1) What are the colours of the stained tissue?
  • 2) What is the pattern of colour distribution in the stained tissue?
  • 3) Can you identify which are the nuclei of the cells? What colour are they?
  • 4) Can you identify the cytoplasm of the cells? What colour are they?
  • 5) What are the relative sizes and shapes of the cells in the tissue?
  • 6) How many different types of cells do you think there are in the tissue?
  • 7) Are there any other observations you have identified? If so, describe them.

Our "Mission" Part 2(ii)

6.2 Immunohistochemical Staining(Questions from Project Manual)

  • What are the colours in the tissue?
  • What is the pattern of colour distribution in the stained tissue?
  • Are the colours and pattern of colour distribution similar to that in the first slide?
  • The purpose was to determine the presence and location/distribution of a protein called
  • vimentin. Which colour do you think represents vimentin? Why?
  • Describe the location/distribution of vimentin in the tissue.
  • What does the other colour(s) represent?
  • Are there any other observations you have identified? If so, describe them.

Our "Mission" Part 2(iii)

6.3 Fluorescence Staining(Questions from Project Manual)
  • Can you see the tissue using the fluorescence microscope? Does the tissue appear
  • similar to the first and second slide?
  • Describe what you observe. How many colours appear when using the fluorescence
  • microscope and what are the colours?
  • What do you think the colours represent? Why?
  • Can you determine what is/are the pattern of location/distribution of the colours in the
  • tissue? If no, why not?
  • Are there any other observations you have identified? If so, describe them.

Our Accomplishment

    • What is the end product/ findings?
    • A description/ explanation of your product/ findings

Our Gains...

    • As a group,
      • discuss how the project has helped to deepen your understanding/ broaden your awareness on selected subject discipline(s)
      • describe how the new learning is/ can be connected to what you learnt/ are going to learn